V "Žutanjku" se više žive od proizvodnje a mejne od rente tak da...
Kaj veliš na ovo:
Ex-Google CEO: Internet will split in two, with China controlling half — RT World News
Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt predicts that the internet, as we know it, will split in two within the next decade, with one side led by China. Howev...
https://twitter.com/RussiaConnects/status/1043219698316443648I..? Onda kam mi pemo? K kaubojom ili indijancom?
Kurta i Murta, neznaš teri su vekši demokrati...
I to delenje mi je malo čudno jel;
https://hr.wikipedia.org/wiki/InternetInternet je 1969. godine osnovalo američko Ministarstvo obrane.
Internet je od 1969. godine projekt američkoga Ministarstvo obrane, i još bi dodal, nigdar ni prestal biti, tak da mi ovo o delenju je više spodobno k tomu da probaš cucku zeti nekaj ze zubi.
'Democracy, freedom of speech, human rights' is a smokescreen for idiots.
Google admits it lets hundreds of third party apps read your emails